Sunday, December 6, 2020

EOTO Project: History of Steam

After discussing the historical background of SoundCloud, I had the pleasure of learning about other technologies from other classmates. One of the technologies that resonated with me the most is the history of Steam. Mostly because it is a platform for games. As someone who really enjoys spending my free time playing video games, this particular subject was something that really intrigued me to gain more information from.

One of the first things I learned from my classmate's presentation was that the current logo of Steam used to be completely different back when it was first released in 2003. In addition, the logo used to be green rather than blue. While this isn't a huge difference, it was definitely something that caught me off guard. Apart from that, it was also interesting to learn about how Steam is apart of a company called Valve Corporation which was something unfamiliar to me as I thought steam was a company of its own. It was also a fun fact to learn that Steam is now the biggest platform for gaming on a PC. However, the biggest piece of information that I picked up from the presentation is that anyone can actually sell their games on Steam as long as you have an entrance fee. In other words, I always thought there was more details behind publishing a game on the platform. 

Overall, I thought my classmate's presentation was very well done. Even though there were some pieces of information I was already familiar with, I had learned a few things that caught me by surprise.

EOTO: Team 4

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