Monday, December 7, 2020

EOTO Project: Whistleblower

As crazy as this may sound, I have always been unfamiliar with what a whistleblower actually is. Even though I have heard the term numerous of times, I never actually understood the meaning behind it. With that being said, I was pleased to be given a proper explanation from one of my classmates who gave a presentation based on the same topic. 

The biggest piece of information I picked up from the presentation is that a whistleblower is someone who exposes information on a person or an organization for being engaged in illegal, illicit activities. This alone made me remember the recent incident that involved Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. In addition, Tony Bobulinski, someone who attests to being Hunter Biden's former business associate, recently came out to speak on behalf on Biden's relationship to Ukraine. 

With that being said, I thought my classmate explained this topic well, and it makes me happy to finally understand the meaning behind 'whistleblower.' Now I won't feel as stupid when watching the news.

Hunter Biden scandal:

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