Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Discussing The Supreme Court

There are some basic functions about the U.S. Supreme Court that I already know about. For example, there are nine Supreme Court Justices, and they are the ones who can decide if a bill can be passed into becoming a law. However, this is something that I would think almost everyone knows, but there is much more to it than that.

After watching a 20 minute video which dives into deeper detail about the Supreme Court, there were definitely some factors that I was completely unaware of. One of them being that the Supreme Court receives more than 100 new cases every week that need to be reviewed. As well as written petitions that demand the court to act. The Justices are also able to pick and choose which cases the court will accept through a conference meeting. This, needless to say, caught me off guard, but I can see how that would make sense looking back at it now. 

In a way, knowing this information only makes me care much more who the Supreme Court justices are, and what party they align with. For example, if there were more democratic justices, there would be more cases approved with democratic ideologies. Same for republicans. 

Overall, I think the video conveys some useful information that i'm sure many people are unaware of. As I was before. I also have more respect for justices as I can only imagine the amount of hours the sacrifice in their lives having to deal with so many cases on a weekly basis.

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