Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Discussing Antiwar Media

It is fair to say that in our current time period the mainstream media only chooses to air topics that match their narrative. For example, news networks like CNN are mainly a left leaning source, and Fox News is mainly a right leaning source. It is even fair to say that right leaning sources are way outnumbered by left leaning sources. With that being said, it is arguably more common to learn about left wing ideologies. Hence why people typically don't hear about republican topics such as antiwar. Especially on the internet. A good example of this are websites that are strong antiwar voices such as https://www.antiwar.com/ and https://www.theamericanconservative.com/web-categories/realism-restraint/. Without doing a deep dive on the internet, people would most likely never know about any of these sources. Why? Probably because search engines like Google make it harder for people to discover such websites. This, of course, can't be proven, but it is a theory. One could argue that Google is a left leaning company that likes to censor opposing viewpoints. As that would explain why learning from strong antiwar voices is hard to find. Overall, I think it's wrong if any source is biased, and there should be diversity of thought among all platforms. That way people can learn more information that they did not know before. Whether or not they disagree with it.

Is google biased?:

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